Meet the Team
The team at RSL are personable, professional and pragmatic. Your recreation, sport and leisure experts.
Our Values
We Take Time
We take the time to get to know the project team and their operating environment.
We Partner
We work alongside our clients and partners to maximise opportunities.
We're Pragmatic
We provide pragmatic advice that translates to implementable solutions.
RSL is Proud to Support the Sector
At RSL, we take immense pride in championing the vitality and progress of the recreation, sport, and leisure sector. The team at RSL has been involved in various capacities in the Sport and Recreation sector for over 30 years. Here are just some of the ways RSL supports the sector:
RSL provides internship opportunities for students studying in the sector. Internships are customised as much as possible toward a student’s interests and future career aspirations.
RSL supports industry groups through sponsorship opportunities. RSL sees the value in industry professional development and networking and therefore sponsors the Recreation Aotearoa National Conference. RSL has also supported other industry groups through contributions of time or financial support.
Mentoring / Peer Support
Individuals within the RSL team actively contribute to the career development of many young professionals through mentoring, both formally and informally. RSL team members also actively participate in sector peer reviews and are often invited to serve on industry panels.